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Overview of Timely Disclosure System
Dissemination and Awareness Building for Management Stances and Policies
The Oiles Group Corporate Conduct Charter stipulates that we must appropriately manage corporate information and disclose it promptly and proactively.
Based on a shared understanding and awareness with our Group companies, we conduct dissemination and awareness building on the importance and necessity of timely disclosure, according to this Oiles Group Corporate Conduct Charter.
Recognition/Analysis of Characteristics and Risks Regarding Timely Disclosure
Because the Oiles Group promotes business with the Bearings Department, Structural Devices Department, and Architectural Devices Department in Japan and overseas, there is a concern that failing to disclose information appropriately may impact our stakeholders. Therefore, the Management Planning Department, which oversees our Group companies in Japan and overseas, mutually cooperates with departments related to the General Affairs Department, which is the administrative organization of the Board of Directors, to ensure that information is disclosed promptly and appropriately.
Departments in Charge of Disclosure
To ensure the swift and timely disclosure of information, the general manager of the Corporate Planning & Administrative Division acts as the Information Handling Officer, and the General Affairs Department of the Corporate Planning & Administrative Division acts as the department in charge of timely disclosure work.
To maintain a centralized system for disclosing information to stakeholders, we have established an organization under the direct control of the President called the Disclosure Committee, which is chaired by the general manager of the Corporate Planning & Administrative Division and maintains a system for systematically transmitting information across the entire company.
By establishing Internal Information Management Rules that define standards for handling internal information and related items, we strive to ensure proper information operations and prevent insider trading together with our Group companies.
Timely Disclosure Procedure
Because items subject to timely disclosure are decided at Board of Directors meetings, information is consolidated at the General Affairs Department, which is the administrative organization of the Board of Directors.
The General Affairs Department and departments that draft items that may be subject to timely disclosure investigate whether timely disclosure is required and decide the documents for disclosure according to the timely disclosure standards of the Tokyo Stock Exchange.
After approval by the Board of Directors, items deemed to be subject to timely disclosure are swiftly published or disclosed (via TDnet registration and press conferences) by the General Affairs Department, which is the department in charge. If a critical incident occurs, the general manager of the Corporate Planning & Administrative Division conducts a fact check, reports to the President, and swiftly publishes or discloses information (via TDnet registration and press conferences) simultaneously.
We categorize and comprehensively gather information for disclosure as information on decisions, information on the occurrence of fact, or financial result information, according to the timely disclosure standards of the Tokyo Stock Exchange.
Monitoring of Timely Disclosure System
Auditors independent from management attend important meetings such as Board of Director meetings and Management meetings to audit the appropriateness of business execution, and the maintenance and operation of the timely disclosure system are monitored based on these audits.
The Internal Audit Office, an organization under the President's direct control, conducts audits on our divisions, and the appropriateness of business execution is audited to periodically monitor the maintenance and operation of the timely disclosure system.
Auditors collaborate with the Internal Audit Office to maintain the effectiveness of monitoring.