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It all started with a small wooden bearing.

Initiatives for Health Management

“Health management,” that is, the promotion and maintenance of our employees' physical and mental health, forms the foundation of our human capital management. We view health management as a critical management priority, and we endeavor to promote the physical and mental health of our employees.

Health Promotion System

Together with the Safety and Health Committee, the Human Rights and Labor Practices Subcommittee strives to create a foundation on which each employee can work lively. We aim to improve the company's development by promoting health management through work style reforms, mental health measures, and health maintenance and promotion activities. In November 2020, we set up the Health Management Promotion Team in the Human Resources Department to strengthen our health promotion system. We also aim to be recognized as a Certified Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organization (White 500) by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.

Concerning COVID-19, we are also making efforts to prevent in-house clusters of infections, placing top priority on balancing health and safety with our responsibility to maintain supplies of our products.

Employee Wellness Support

We prioritize preventing employee lifestyle-related diseases and other illnesses through early discovery and treatment. We are adding content to the health nurse consultations for those whose health checks have found something abnormal. In fiscal 2021, we introduced iCARE’s health information management system, Carely, to centralize the health data of all employees in Japan and build an analysis platform, thereby enhancing the efficiency of information sharing and collaboration among bases. In addition, we are bolstering measures to support the improvement of employee health, such as subsidizing complete medical checkup fees.

Mental Health Measures

An increasing number of employees have recently been taking leaves of absence from work due to mental health issues. Given this trend, we have been actively addressing the mental health of our employees. In accordance with the Industrial Safety and Health Act, we have employees undergo a stress check once a year and maintain a consultation system so that they can talk with industrial doctors and nurses or external institutions as needed. We also provide support programs for those returning from leave of absence to help them transition to the workforce.

Dialogues with employees

The Oiles Group respects employees' freedom of association, union membership, collective bargaining, and the right to participate in peaceful gatherings under international treaties and decrees. We ensure collective bargaining and other arrangements that enable employees to communicate openly with management without fear of discrimination, retaliation, intimidation, or harassment. Based on sufficient discussion, labor and management will work together to put our corporate philosophy into practice.

Employee Awareness Survey

Intending to grow into a company that continuously takes on future-oriented challenges together with its employees, we conducted the first employee awareness survey for all officers and employees in 2019. Based on the results of this survey, we would like to conduct such awareness surveys regularly as we aim to build the ideal human resources system. Also, to transform work styles and promote diversity, we surveyed male employees’ parenting and housework practices in 2020. Based on those results, we conducted training in 2022 for managers and male employees to help them strike a balance between parenting and working. In these sessions, we learned about men’s actual circumstances in parenting and housekeeping and discussed the need for men to be actively involved in parenting and balancing parenting with work.

Healthy Labor-Management Relations

Oiles and some of our Group companies have their own respective labor unions. The company and labor unions have a stable labor-management relationship and have concluded more than 60 agreements, arrangements, and memorandums while arranging opportunities for regular labor-management discussions to negotiate and debate matters such as labor conditions and human resource systems. It should be noted that we have a 100% labor union membership rate among permanent employees.