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Based on the recognition that human capital is the source of value creation and corporate value enhancement, the Oiles Group positions its human resources (human capital) initiatives as an important management priority to consistently increase corporate value. The Group invests in the growth of all employees and it strives to improve the environment for human resources by fostering respect for human rights, promoting diversity, developing human resources, and promoting appropriate labor practices and health and productivity management.
Policies for Human Resources Development
The Oiles Group Basic Policy on Human Resources stipulates the following human resources development policy and internal environment improvement policy to ensure diversity.
Basic Policy on Human Resources
The Oiles Group believes that its employees are precious assets. We respect the human rights of all employees and support their growth so they can fully demonstrate their diverse abilities and individuality in accordance with Oiles’ company vision. In addition, we will improve our working environment to protect the safety and health of our employees from the ever-changing social conditions and enable them to work flexibly and efficiently.
Human Resource Development Policy
The Oiles Group requires that all employees do the following and encourages them to grow for the reasons described below.
- To respect human rights and diversity and thrive on the global stage
- To demonstrate a high level of expertise and consistently take on challenges with a passion for creativity and innovation
- To serve society and act on their initiative to create added value
Respecting human rights
We will respect the human rights of each individual and never unfairly discriminate on such grounds as race, skin color, gender, language, religion, political and other opinions, as well as nationality or its absence, property, and status. We will always ensure equal opportunity and strive to prevent all forms of harassment.
Respect for Diversity
We will promote creating a corporate culture in which everyone can feel valued so that individuals with diverse backgrounds can fully demonstrate their abilities and individuality.
Human Resource Development
We will actively develop the abilities of each individual, enhanced by their unique qualities and characteristics, and strive to ensure that employees can achieve maximum performance through systematic human resource development, utilization, evaluation, and treatment.
Improving the Internal Environment Policy
The Oiles Group will strive to improve the working environment that protects all employees' safety and health and accommodates various work styles.
Creating a Safe and Healthy Workplace
To protect the safety and health of all employees, we have set the goal of creating a safe, secure, and comfortable working environment. We will use our occupational health and safety management system to create a safety-first climate where all employees participate. Moreover, we will establish an occupational healthcare system so that all employees can continue to work in good physical and mental health, and we will strive to maintain and improve the health of our employees.
Work-Life Balance
To create an environment where all employees can balance their work and private lives and lead vibrant lives, we have enhanced our support system for balancing work and family life events such as childbirth, childcare, and nursing care. We also have an employment support system in place to enable flexible and efficient work styles.
Human Resource Development Initiatives
To develop our employees into exemplary personnel as outlined in the Human Resources Development Policy, we strive to actively develop their abilities by calling upon their unique qualities and characteristics and maximizing their abilities through systematic development, utilization, evaluation, and treatment.
Training System
To improve employees’ skills and to support their personal career development plans, we offer a wide range of training programs to suit their needs, including management, occupational abilities, internationalization, personal development, and life planning. In addition, we are conducting a selective training program for future executive candidates through measures such as the Oiles School for Management, where candidates gain a comprehensive range of skills. In fiscal 2019, we created a training program for setting management targets.

Developing Global Human Resources
“At Oiles Corporation, we are determined to become a world leader as a general manufacturer of oil-less bearings and to serve society through technology.” Under this management concept, the Oiles Group, which operates eight companies and six plants overseas, continues to develop its human resources to make it capable of conducting business around the globe. We offer a variety of globalization training programs, including English language training in Japan and overseas dispatch training to improve language skills and broaden business experience by sending employees to overseas offices. Before heading overseas, employees receive specific training so they are fully prepared for their designated location. Global personnel development training is also provided for department and section managers to gain basic knowledge about overseas business. We actively promote local employees to management positions at overseas bases and focus on developing global human resources rooted in the local community.